Saturday, December 3, 2011


Come one come all and help me celebrate the release of my Debut Novel, The Other Side of Darkness.
I'll be on-line from noon to 4:00pm. 

To access readings


leave a comment and be entered into a drawing for a free book or Starbuck coupons. 

You can come to the party through fb at

Hope we'll see you. Should be fun!


Elaine Marie Cooper said...

Linda, cannot wait to read your new release! And congratulations!

Anonymous said...

From noon to 4 p.m. Is that Pacific Time?

Anonymous said...

I am totally enjoying the thought of your newest release! I hope to read it soon!

Dan Waltz, author, illustrator, artist said...

Got it on my Kindle! Looks like a good one!

Rebecca LuElla Miller said...

Great ideas for your launch, Linda. Please add my name to those who would like to win a copy of your book.
